HDPE 1000

Explore our range of PEHD 1000, also known as high density polyethylene, and experience the solid quality that this thermoplastic material brings to your projects. Recognized for its impressive strength, chemical resistance and versatility, PEHD 1000 is the optimal choice for industrial applications where robustness and reliability are essential.



Extreme Abrasion Resistance: PEHD 1000 excels with extreme wear resistance, and provides reliable solutions for areas with high mechanical stress.

Chemical Resistance: With its impressive chemical resistance, PEHD 1000 is suitable for use in environments with exposure to various chemicals.

Low Friction: PEHD 1000 has low friction, making it ideal for applications that require smooth movement and reduced wear.

Good machinability: This material is easy to process and offers the flexibility to adapt to the specifications of your projects.


Areas of use:

PEHD 1000 is ideally suited for a range of applications including:

  • Transport and storage equipment: PEHD 1000 is often used for the production of conveyor belts, screws and bearing components.

  • Containers and Tanks: The chemical resistance makes PEHD 1000 suitable for the production of containers and tanks for various industrial purposes.

  • Sliding and Guide solutions: Low friction makes PEHD 1000 ideal for the production of sliding and guiding solutions in machines and equipment.


To find out more about our range of PEHD 1000, or to discuss specific requirements for your business, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to being your reliable partner in technical plastics.



If your needs include custom made and machined parts, we are your trusted partner. Our experienced team is ready to work with you to deliver tailored solutions that fit your exact requirements. Contact us easily through our practical contact form to start the dialogue about your projects and needs.